1000 Sofia, 72 Vitosha Blvd |     +359 887567770  |   

Multi CryoHacking System

Multi CryoHacking System

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Multi CryoHacking System (MCS) is the perfect complementary experience to all spa and wellness treatments and programs.

Innovative development that guarantees customers measurable and noticeable results in the shortest possible application time.

With specially developed and patented software, MCS offers numerous therapeutic procedures improving appearance, well-being and lifestyle.

Noticeable results and effects are achieved:

effective stress management

delaying the aging process

acceleration of cell regeneration

generating positive emotions

improving the work of the central autonomic nervous system

achieving mental and physical well-being

improving sleep

boost of energy and revitalization of metabolism

increasing endurance

improving hormonal expression

increases libido

Multi CryoHacking System combines


Ionization – Negatively charged ions penetrate the skin to stimulate cellular metabolism. At the same time, inhalation through the mouth and nose provides benefits for the whole body, including the organs and muscles.

Normally, the air we breathe has about 500-1000 negatively charged ions per cubic centimeter. Near water sources they are about 4000 in cm3. MCS produces 5,000,000 negatively charged ions per cm3!


What are the benefits of ionization:

Energizes the whole body

Increases concentration and improves mental ability

Revitalize metabolism and metabolism;

Accelerate cell regeneration;

Light therapy - red, blue and green for skin vitality, immunity enhancement and rejuvenation. The effect of colored light is enhanced by negative ions. Long-standing scientific evidence shows that the advanced technology targets the deep tissues.

Red light therapy helps:

collagen formation / collagen synthesis

skin and body vitality

wound healing

increases cell reproduction

Blue light has:

positive effect on eczema / psoriasis

can reduce acne

relieves anxiety

strengthens the immune system

relaxing action

Green light improves:

immune system

has a beneficial effect on depression

reduces stress

builds muscle and bone

aphrodisiac and sexual tonic

Antibacterial properties


IR heating promotes the removal of harmful toxins from the body, sports recovery after intense training, supports metabolism, leading to increased energy levels and more balanced overall health.

Sound therapy has a beneficial effect on well-being and holistic health, purifies, recharges and harmonizes on all levels, especially in combination with ionization and chromotherapy.

Thermal effect - heating improves blood circulation and accelerates metabolism.