1000 Sofia, 72 Vitosha Blvd |     +359 887567770  |   



Cryotherapy is a treatment in which the whole body is subjected to extremely low temperatures (from ‍‍-85 to -130°C). The modern "Whole Body Cryotherapy" (WCT), also referred to as”Air Cryo Therapy” (ACT) and "Cryosauna", was originally practiced by Dr. Yamaguchi in 1978 in Japan.

Dr. Yamaguchi uses a brief healing freeze to deal with pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

To date, numerous studies have validated cryotherapy as an extremely effective non-invasive method to deal with skin problems and improve skin condition.

Using cryotherapy for skin rejuvenation may seem unconventional, but it has proven to be extremely effective. Cryosauna treatments are a safe, non-invasive method of healing and boosting the immune system by stimulating all body functions. This in turn helps to achieve smoother, firmer and younger skin.

In the cosmetic industry, cryotherapy is used for:

Clear skin: Regular users of cryotherapy who have acne problems notice less and less spots on their skin over time. Those who have acne scars may also be pleasantly surprised by the improvement in their appearance.

Less toxins: Weekly sessions of cryotherapy help to eliminate toxin deposits, leaving skin clear of skin defects, radiant and enriched with natural nutrients.

Cell regeneration: Cryo procedures accelerate the natural biological process of cell regeneration, effectively eliminating dead skin cells.

Improved collagen production: Cryotherapy induces increased collagen production, resulting in smoother, firmer and more even complexion. This in turn reduces the visible signs of aging

Reducing wrinkles: Regular skin rejuvenation sessions through cryotherapy help smooth out existing ones and reduce the appearance of new fine wrinkles as a result of cellular regeneration and increased collagen production.

Cellulite Reduction: Of course, three skin rejuvenation cryosections will not eliminate the visually unattractive fat known as cellulite. However, regular visits to the whole body Cryo Cabin show promising results in weight loss due to the stimulation of metabolism, which helps to reduce fat deposits. It also improves the skin's elasticity, which prevents the appearance of cellulite.

Psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema: Cryotherapy fights the root causes of these diseases and their development by regulating and normalizing the growth of skin cells.

Anti-inflammatory effect: One of the most popular benefits of cryotherapy seen in many types of health problems is the reduction of recurrences of internal and external inflammation. Cryotherapy helps to relieve skin redness in those who have acne problems and suppresses the inflammatory symptoms of a variety of diseases, including eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, and even psoriatic arthritis.

Controlled autoimmune process: Weekly whole body Cryo Cabin treatment sessions will help stop the autoimmune process of excessive cellular growth in the skin, common in diseases such as eczema, without side effects.

Healthier hair and nails: As regular cryotherapy boosts your immune system and improves your overall health, your hair and nails also become firmer and healthier.

Other benefits of cryotherapy are:

• Increasing productivity;

• Improving the mental recovery of athletes as a result of skull injuries;

• Effective treatment of inflammatory and painful conditions;

• Increasing motivation and commitment;

• Improving the effect of training;

• Faster recovery between intensive workouts;

• Prevention of injuries;

• Increasing resistance and immunity;

• Avoiding the negative effects of congestion and trauma;

• 600 to 800 calories are burned with each procedure (3-4 minutes).